Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Donughts are the Devil....

Well at least that is what I said this morning. Tomorrow it is a lady here at works birthday and they brought donughts in....I had to pretend they are the Devil that way I will stay away from them.....even though I know I can have one if I really wanted to flex my points but I have other things I would rather have and the donught really didn't even look that good. I made a breakthrough.....haha!! All in all I have decided like I said in a previous post that everything really does revolve around food. I am certainly an emotional eater and read in Confessions of a + sized girls blog about a book called "A guide to compulsive eating" by Geneen Roth, I am thinking of checking it out. I also read that several other people have read books by her including "Breaking Free from Emotional Eating". I know alot of people don't watch the show Ruby because of course she is going to lose weight having a trainer and all the tools at her fingertips but I believe that she is a real person with real struggles. I can relate to her emotional eating habits because I am the same way.....if I am having a bad day I turn to food, if I am mad about something I turn to food. I am starting to overcome those struggles but that is just it they are struggles and as long as I pick myself up from those struggles then eventually I will no longer struggle with them. Every day is a new day and with new days come new challenges it is just the way life is. :) Well I am glad I didn't cave for the donught...... Go Me! I didn't make it to Zumba last night, to much drama going on at home but I am going to go next week Tuesday. Saturday is out because it is during the time I am getting my hair did..... I really want to go!!! Until next time:)