Thursday, August 27, 2009

Why is it so freaking COLD!!!!

I am freezing! Yes that is right....downright cold. I swear this place I work in can never get it right, dress for winter in the summer....dress for summer in the winter. I mean who wears a coat inside the office when it is 90 + degrees outside.... ME...yep that is right ME..... WTF? So today has started out as a pretty good day. I went to the gas station this morning and bought me a big huge Ice Tea! Yum, my favorite drink.... I think I drink 2 of these 44oz drinks every day. :) This morning I left my Zune in my car and had to go get it....I can't stand not having something to listen to during the day. My Zune is my savior I have decided.....I don't know what I would do without it. I love listening to it at work and in my car and when I am walking at night..( haha) I need to start doing that walking. I nedd to get in the groove and find a workout that works for me. Has anyone heard about Zumba? A girl at work highly recommends it and says that you will never get bored once you start doing it because it is always new and fun. I am thinking about trying it sometime next week. I will let you know what I think and if it is worth it. I am excited today is my last day in the office and then I get to be home for the next 4 days - 2 of them I will be working, but working from home and there is nothing better than working from home. I love it, I can get things done like laundry on my breaks/lunch and I get to listen to the television. I think the only thing that is bad about working from home is when there is nice weather and you would rather be doing anything outside then working.... I am also sad as our pool closes next weekend....that is a sign that Summer is almost over and that Winter is on its way...however it is also a sign that I am getting closer to my Vacation that I have planned next year. I am way excited for it...... I will write more on that in another post. Need to get back to work..... Peace Out! :)

1 comment:

  1. There's a Zumba class that works out on the basketball court right before one of my weekly games, and truthfully, it looks like a lot of fun. All the chicks finish sweaty and smiling anyways...
